It’s October and the weather is finally starting to cool down. Time to take out the sweaters, scarves, and drink more tea.
I came upon this herbal Noni tea at the local Asian grocery store. Noni juice has been available in America for some time now. It’s been marketed as a super health supplement. The bottled noni juice are usually from Fiji and Tahiti. But some are from Hawaii and other tropic countries.
Here are some benefits to drinking noni tea:
• Rich in antioxidants
• Promotes feelings of relaxation
• Supports proper digestion
• Relief from menstrual cramps
The scientific name for noni is “Morinda citrifolia”. It is native to Southeast Asia and can be found growing in any tropical climate.
The noni tree bears flowers and fruits all year round. The fruit is really made of multiple fruits and reminds me of a large mulberry.
I’ve never tasted any real noni fruit and based on the description I’ve read so far, it doesn’t sound too appealing. As the fruit ripens, it is described to have a strong “cheese-like” smell and bitter taste.