Everyday Beauty, Health and Living

Smithsonian announced the 2012 Photo Contest 50 finalists on March 4, 2013. Now it’s your time to vote for the Readers’ Choice Award winner. Voting will be open until March 29th at 2PM EST.

I really like this one - tiny yet strong ants holding on to the fruits and each other. And the eyes and those mandibles… yikes. Photo by Eko Adiyanto (Bekasi, Indonesia). Photographed in Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia.

For a better look at more neat photos, visit Smithsonian.com and cast your vote!

The 11th annual contest is now open until November 29, 2013 at 2:00 PM EST. On a weekly basis beginning April 2, Smithsonian judges will post the best of the incoming entries to Smithsonian Retina. Finalists will be announced on March 3, 2014.

Smithsonian also notes, “This year we are also looking forward to highlighting the best photographs taken with mobile devices. Let us know that it was taken with your phone or tablet reader and show us the wonders of this new generation of photography.” So that means folks with smart phones and tablets can enter to win too.

Here’s what the judges look for in a winning photo:

“Technical quality, clarity and composition are all important, but so too is a flair for the unexpected and the ability to capture a picture-perfect moment.”

Photo Contest Prize Details

Fifty finalists will be selected, ten for each of the five categories. Smithsonian will notify the 50 finalists by February 28, 2014. Finalists’ entries will be published on the magazine’s Web site on March 4, 2014. At that time, readers can vote online for one readers’ choice winner. The Smithsonian will award eight prizes, as follows:

Grand Prize: $2,500

Category Winners:
The winners of each of the five categories will receive $500

Readers’ Choice:
The winner of the online Readers’ Choice award will receive $500

The best photo in any of the five categories that was taken with a mobile device will receive $500.

One cash prize per person; winners may receive additional noncash prizes. Winners must sign a release and license, declaration of eligibility, and will be responsible for paying any taxes they may owe on a prize.

Photo from Smithsonian.

The Art of the Disney Princess

This Halloween has me thinking about Disney’s fairy tale princess. Come to think of it I don’t remember ever wanting to be a princess for Halloween. Maybe a black cat or friendly witch.

This is Snow White. It looks almost creepy but somewhat interesting and sweet. The cover art from the book, The Art of Disney Princess. Available at Amazon or The Disney Store. Image .

I also like this version of Snow White, although the make-up is a bit too heavy for my taste. Photo by Ryan Astamendi.

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Beauty of the Bay: The Unseen Sea

This time lapse video was taken by Simon Christen over the period of one year in the San Francisco bay area. It really brings out the beauty of the place. It’s very mesmerizing to watch. I never realized how beautiful it is to see the moon rise or the cloud of fog rolling in across the landscape.

The Unseen Sea from Simon Christen on Vimeo.

Music by Nick Cave - Mary’s Song from the Soundtrack of “Assassination of Jesse James”.

Here is how Simon explains what settings to use for the night shots:

“I am always shooting in full manual mode and then adjust the exposure as the light changes. I take care of the “jumps” later in post. The exposure really varies depending on the shot. For example a bright city needs shorter shutter speeds then fog illuminated by moon light. The shutter speeds ends up being around 4-5 sec with the aperture wide open and high ISO settings. This way I get to take a picture every 5-6 seconds.”

Find more of Simon’s work at simonchristen.com

Art: Kansas Photos

Dave Leiker is the owner of Kansas Photos.  He has a nice collection of photos from landscapes to critters.  I have to admit I never thought about Kansas very much.  But after looking over the photos of Dave’s collection, I’ve come to see that this place is full of beauty and charm.

Here are some of my favorite from Kansas Photos.  The overgrown meadow with the abandoned shed seems sad, but is full of history.   And the endless field of crop sunflowers is always a welcoming sight.  To order prints, please contact Dave Lieker here.

I also like the description too.  A little humor goes a long way, especially of “Grandpa Grasshopper”. For more detail images, please visit Kansas Photos.

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