Beauty, Health and Living

greenpeachFruit leaves of all kind are traditionally used as herbal remedies.  One I like to include on this list is peach (Prunus persica) leaf.

It’s is mainly used as a sedative (calming effect), laxative (digestive aid), and mild diuretic (increase the flow of urine).

Other benefits of peach leaf include treating gastric and stomach irritations and abdominal tenderness, irritation, or congestion.

The peach leaves infusion is also used in treating chronic diarrhea and dysentery.  Peach leaf are also used to treat throat and bronchial irritation.  Also used to treat chronic hepatitis and bronchitis.

Recommended usage is 2 tsp. of dried leaf to 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 20 minutes. Use as a gargle for sore throat every 1/2 cup per hour.

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