Everyday Beauty, Health and Living

I’ve always wanted to grow Cypress Vines (also called Star Glory) and was really happy to find the seed packets for sale.

I know some people can’t stand any type of vines and think they are messy to grow and get rid of. But I am some of the few folks that love climbing flowering vines, from morning glories to clematis.


These tiny red star shaped blooms are a nice contrast to the green fern like leaves.  Unlike morning glory, the bright flowers stay open all day long. Photo from Missouri Plants.

When I see photos of Cypress Vines and morning glories, I always think of my father.  Like myself, he also loved to grow flowering vines.

My father had grown Cypress Vines in the entrance of our tropical childhood home in Thailand. Every time I left or entered the front door, I felt like the plants were greeting me. The leaves were very soft to touch and looked very green and fuzzy.  Actually more feathery. And the bright red star shaped flowers were so cheerful.

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Summer Flowers in Bloom

It’s starting to feel like the height of summer is here.  We have plenty of plums and peaches that our neighbors and friends have shared with us.  They are fresh and sweet too.


Best of all, the flowers I planted in my mom’s garden has finally started to bloom now.  This is my first time growing Dahlias from seeds.  They don’t really have a floral scent to it.  I think they are really pretty, especially the ones with stripes.

But unfortunately all the Gladiolus bulbs I planted in late spring didn’t make it.  The leaves just turned brown after I thought a bud was forming.  When I went to touch it, the leaves just fell off the bulb.  Gladiolus has always been very easy to grow in the past.  Maybe there is a gopher that’s been eating my bulbs?  Oh well, better luck next year.

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