Since I am on the subject of guavas this week. I thought I would add the benefits of drinking guava leaf tea. There doesn’t seem to be too much info on this subject in Westernern society or health news. But in Asia, making teas out of fruit leaves are common.
Such leaves include loquats, pomegranate, and guava. Loquats are good for coughs. Pomegranate good for stomach problems, it is also used as a dieter’s tea. Which means it could help suppress your appetite.
My favorite is of the guava leaves, since it is loaded with vitamins, good for your skin, helps lower your cholesterol, and burn fats.

Below is some information on a study made by Bizen Chemical Company in Japan.
Guava leaf, anti-oxidizing effect, makes you healthier
Guava is the origin of a tropical America and South-East Asia. Its leaf has been used as health tea. Guava Leaf has a character of strong Superoxide-dismutase-like activity. Because decreasing of free radicals makes anti-oxidizing effect in the body, it can prevent arterial sclerosis, thrombosis, cataract and inhibit senescence of body and skin (1). Also, polyphenolic compounds contained in Guava Leaf have an effect to suspend proceeding of peroxidation reaction in the living body which can be expected to prevent various chronic diseases (2).
Guava leaf, anti-allergic effect, improves atopic dermatitis.

One of factors for atopic dermatitis and other allergies are histamine release from cells. So that it is believed that the inhibition of histamine release from cells can cure atopic dermatitis and other allergies. Guava leaf has an inhibitory effect for the release of histamine from cells (4).
Guava leaf, a-amylase inhibitor, reduces body fat
Obesity is a phenomenon of over-accumulation of body fat and is said to be a risk factor of chronic diseases. Guava leaf has a function to inactive a-amylase as an its inhibitor and to inhibit digestive absorption of lipid as hpase inhibitory effect. However, Guava leaf does not inhibit protease (5). Therefore, because of Guava leaf’s inhibitory activity of decomposition of starch to glucose, it inhibits absorption of glucose into body and inhibits conversion of glucose to body fat. It is believed that Guava leaf is effective for weight control and reducing body fat.
Guava leaf, anti-diabetic effect, reduces blood sugar
Guava leaf has been used as a folk remedy for diabetes and there are studies of Guava leaf for anti-diabetic effect. Guava leaf inhibits the increase in the plasma level of blood sugar, but not to effect on the plasma level of insulin (3).
See also Herb:Â Banaba Leaves at Cambree Notes for diabetic tea.
To make your own guava leaf tea Infusion:
Pour 1 cup of lightly boiled water into 1 - 2 teaspoon of herbal leaves in teapot or heat resistant glassware. I like to use a French Press to brew my herbal teas.
Let it steep for 3 - 5 minutes.
For medicinal usage, steep longer for 15-30 minutes.
It should be kept in refrigerator and good to drink the next couple of days.