Here in the U.S.A., I sometimes worry about my fruits and veggies being organic or not. When it comes to potatoes or other root veggies, I chose the organic ones. Luckily with pineapple and watermelon it’s of little concern. But if you live in China, you’ll have to wonder where exactly does your food come from?

We’ve all heard of the tainted baby formula and pet food, now the list is growing.
A recent report from the LA Times pointed out China’s food scandals are becoming increasingly frequent and bizarre. And bigger, cheaper, faster is the name of the game.
- These watermelons are safe and the least contaminated with pesticides or growth hormones.
Below are the highlights of the food scandal in China I gathered from the Los Angeles Times.
- A Shanghai woman who had left uncooked pork on her kitchen table woke up in the middle of the night to find her pork was emitting a blue light. It was later found to be made by phosphorescent bacteria (which glow-in-the-dark).
- Last month, watermelon farmers in eastern Jiangsu province hoped for a bumper crop instead got . Much “like landmines” after they mistakenly applied too much growth hormone.
- A popular manufactured of steamed buns was caught using dye to make cheap wheat buns look like the more expensive black rice buns.
- And fish farmers are also feeding their fish ground up birth control pills to make some breeds of fish mature more quickly. Even the farmers themselves refuse to eat these fishes.
A Chinese food scientist who exposed many of these issues wrote a book about it, but the book was banned in his own country. Reporting about such things makes the government unhappy and people are scared to voice their opinion.
The list could go on and on. But these are just some of the ones I found shocking.
This isn’t just happening in China as it was also reported shrimp farmers in Vietnam were also using large amounts of antibiotics on their shrimps. And many of those shrimps are being sold to outside markets such as the U.S.A. This just makes you think twice about eating shrimp cocktails.
I guess in this case we have to vote with our wallets. Eat less of the bad stuff or none at all. Eat more organic veggies and grow your own if possible.