Beauty, Health and Living

Silver “Healing” Yarn

With all the chaos I’ve been experiencing lately, knitting has provided me with a sense of calm and contentment.

Studies show that knitting helps reduce stress, pain, symptoms of depression, boost your immunity, and lower your blood pressure. And to think such a sedentary activity can offer such healthy benefits.

Speaking of healthy activities, how about knitting with “healthy” or “healing” yarn? I just found out about this neat yarn by KB Sifa.

sifa Photo from knit outta the box.  Sifa Silver Cotton yarn is spun with 5% pure silver. 100 grams. Retails $10.50 $8.00

But you have to get them soon because it looks like they will be discontinued.

Here’s a little more the U.S. distributor of Sifa Yarn:

“Silver has been known for centuries to possess healing qualities, as well as an anti-bacterial element. In fact, the story goes that this yarn was created for the spinner’s mother who suffered from Rheumatoid arthritis and swore that every time she wore the socks she knit with the Sifa, her feet felt better. While I can’t make any claims that this yarn will cure all that ails you, I will say that every time I wear the socks, or put on the fingerless gloves that I knit out of Sifa, my hands & feet feel better.”

And from the British distributor Xena Knits:

“Sifa Silver Cotton is a luxurious blend of soft Turkish cotton and 10% real medical grade pure silver, enough to provide a little of the comforting properties of silver when worn; microbial, antiseptic, deodorizing, etc. It is anti-allergenic fiber. Especially knitted as socks or slippers, particularly useful for helping deodorize feet. This yarn is exclusive, one of a kind and protected fiercely.”

krameryarn Photo from Kramer Yarn.  They also makes silver yarn right here in the U.S.A.

63% Superwash Merino
20% Silk
15% Nylon
2% Silver

3.5 oz./ 100 Grams. A luxury sock yarn but much more. The fiber content provides the luxury — 63% Superwash Merino, 20% Silk, 15% Nylon & 2% REAL Silver fibers. You will want this yarn for socks, but also for shawls and lace projects. The silver fiber provides a touch of elegance for evening attire. “  Retail price $20.95

Another neat thing is to knit up winter gloves with these sliver yarn and you’ll still be able to use all those touch pad devices. So no more cold hands.

Or even knit up a nice cable bracelet for a healing, warm, and soft jewelry.

Side note:  Dr. Yonas Geda of the Mayo Clinic notes that knitting (and sewing) seem to be neuro-protective. Which means it has been shown to reduce memory loss in later years by as much as 50%.


  1. The yarn looks very thick, I would be interested in seeing your finished knitted piece. Knitting does require you to use your memory at all times and good eye hand coordination. It’s good to have a relaxing hobby.

  2. Hi Nye,
    This yarn is thicker and more like chunky yarn. I’m thinking knit hat or gloves would be nice. So I better place an order before they run out!

  3. [...] is silver yarn, now there’s silver soap! Actually made with Colloidal Silver. CS is great stuff, mostly [...]