This is the best eye cream I’ve made so far. The others I’ve made previously with carrot seed oil did not turn out so well. You can read more about the benefits of rosehip for skincare here.
The eye cream goes on nice and smooth. I’ve been using this for about 1 month and find it’s great for the delicate area of the eye. And this one even has extra virgin coconut oil, so it smells like real coconut too.
It’s a nice natural product with no preservatives or chemicals. And all the plant oils nourishes and protects your skin. The shea butter and beeswax is what holds it all together - naturally!
I used an old container from another cosmetic company. I never finished their cream as the texture and smell was just too odd. At least I got to re-use the container.
If you would like to make this eye cream, the recipe is listed below:
3 tbs shea butter
2 tbs natural beeswax
2 tbs grape seed oil
2 tbs avocado oil
2 tbs rice bran oil
1 tps rosehip oil
1 tbs extra virgin coconut oil
All you do is add all the ingredients together in a double boiler method. I just put my Pyrex glass in a pan of boiling water. Once all the oils are melted and mixed well, just pour into a clean container.
I had to fill all this into 3 separate containers. One was used just as a lip cream and works just as well.
Before you pour into any container, be sure to wash clean with hot water. Dry well and then fill. It should harden in a few hours. You can put it in the refrigerator to speed up the process. Enjoy!
4:31 am on February 6th, 2010
This cream sounds skin loving! And pretty too.
I will be added you to Google Reader and coming back to read more.
Have a wonderful day!
9:04 am on February 6th, 2010
Nice work. These sort of creams will actually improve the skin, unlike the joke that is ‘anti-aging’ cream (which contain, on average, more than 20 poisonous chemicals).
9:41 pm on February 7th, 2010
Thanks. I think this cream would be suitable for all skin types too.
I do love this cream. Especially the rose hip oil. Thanks for visiting.
10:04 pm on February 8th, 2010
This seems simple to make and looks like it’d be good for your skin. Do you keep it refrigerator or it can be left at room temperature?
10:11 pm on February 10th, 2010
Hi Nye,
No need to refrigerate (if used within a few months). I’ve been using it as eye cream, lip and face balm, as well as on my hands.
I will include some for you to try along with the soaps.
9:15 pm on February 13th, 2010
Thanks Cambree, sounds like an all purpose balm, it’d be good to have one cream for everything.
9:38 pm on February 14th, 2010
I think you’ll like it. I will have it all packed and shipped very soon! Just got side tracked the past couple of days.
8:37 pm on February 24th, 2010
I’ve been using this for several days now, and it feels real good around my eyes area. At first I thought it would be a firmer texture just by the look of it, but it’s actually very soft to the touch. This is a great idea, eye creams are so expensive these day, thanks for sharing this with me.
11:38 pm on February 25th, 2010
Your welcome!
The first batch I made it was really firm. I added more extra virgin coconut oil to make it softer. I think the soft texture is easier to apply on the eye, like serum (but less expensive).
5:03 pm on January 5th, 2013
Hi Cambree,
Wondering if you sell this eye balm? Kiehl’s Imperial eye balm is no longer available. I’m desperate!
- Maureen
12:18 am on January 12th, 2013
Hi Maureen,
I haven’t made any new eye creams in a while. The ingredients listed here are not difficult to find. Maybe give the recipe a try and see if you like it. Thanks for the visit.