Everyday Beauty, Health and Living

Medinilla magnifica is possibly one of the most unique flower to come from the tropics. It is commonly known as Rose Grape for their pretty pink fruits that look like tiny grapes. It has thick glossy evergreen leaves and showy pink flowers.

Photo from Medinilla Magnifica

These plants are natives of tropical southern Asia, western Africa and the Pacific islands. So this means they prefer hot and humid climates.

It looks like this flower is starting to gain popularity as the most elegant and exotic house plant around. It has amazing flowers that bloom several times a year. Similar to orchids, the flowering period can last from 3 to 6 months.

I actually saw this Medinilla at the SF Conservatory of Flowers. Although there weren’t any showy pink leaves, there were plenty of pink grape like fruits.


  1. Nye
    9:48 pm on May 22nd, 2013

    It’s amazed me to see flowers lasting that long, and the pink petal flowers look like hanging water lily to me. I remember photographing my mom’s orchid and the flowers lasted 5-6 months.

  2. cambree
    10:53 pm on May 25th, 2013

    I haven’t had much luck with orchids and my last orchid lasted maybe 4 weeks. So it must be nice to have such a long flowering orchid, in memory of your mom too. :)

  3. What a beautiful flower, they are so summery and tropical. =)