Everyday Beauty, Health and Living

I’ve seen buildings covered in ivy’s before, but never have I seen anything like what Patrick Blanc did with these buildings. Patrick Blanc is a French artist that does vertical garden art.

The neat thing is that the plants don’t need soil to grow. Just give it sunlight, minerals and water. Patrick has also devised an automated system to water the plants from top to bottom. He said it’s very much like how it’s done in nature. Just like when the water runs down the rocks and cliffs. Maintenance is also very easy, you just have to check on it a couple of times a year.

The natural benefits of the Vertical Garden include improved air quality, lower energy consumption, providing a natural shield between weather and inhabitants.

Patrick Blanc considers himself more than just an artist. Blanc is also a botanist and the Vertical Garden is derived from the many observations he’s made in natural places. Mostly in tropical areas for more than 30 years now.

His artwork is considered to be a living painting. In French, he refers to it as “le mur vegetal” meaning vegetal wall. His latest spring 2009 project is in Paris at the Rue d’Alsace.

Image source:
PingMag - You can also read the whole interview with Patrick Blanc here.


  1. Ginger
    4:26 pm on May 18th, 2009

    I can imagine the look on my neighbor’s face if she sees this at my house. lol.

    I’ve seen mostly English Ivy walls in magazines and they look kind of stuffy to me. I like this better, and he has many variety of plants that add textures and colors to the design, it’s very pretty to look at

  2. cambree
    2:39 pm on May 21st, 2009

    Just a little ivy used as a privacy screen is a good idea.

    I’ve seen ivy climbing on brick walls of university and thought it look nice. Then I heard rats and other animals like to hide in there, so watch out!