Ever since I started knitting, I found out there is a huge world of knitters. And different types of yarns have never looked so intriguing to me.
But I never thought I would come across something like this… it’s knitted chairs! Yuvinia Yuhadi has a blog dedicated to the knitted chair. What is so amusing and artistic is that you can turn a simple plastic lawn chair into something really nice.
Photos by Andreas Kokkino
The idea started as Yuhadi’s final-year project for her degree in product design at Middlesex University in London. It has now grown into a site with free pdf of the knitting patterns.
Maybe when I’m feeling ambitious and feel myself an accomplished knitter will I attempt the knitted chair and have it added to her photo gallery.
Meanwhile Melanie Porter has her own collection of knitted chair without the white plastic chair part.
Melanie undertakes the entire process herself and everything, from the restoration and upholstering to the individual, crocheted buttons, is done by hand.
Some of my favorites are pictured below:
Chair by Melanie Porter. This light green one is the “Olivia”.
And this classic one is “Melanie”.
More about Melanie Porter:
“Each project starts with the chair itself – anything from an antique Victorian nursing chair, to a 1970s Egg chair – which is painstakingly stripped back to the frame, before being restored and reupholstered using traditional techniques. This blank canvas is then covered with a series of hand-knitted panels, especially created for each chair.”
10:24 pm on March 8th, 2011
Cambree, hand-knitted panels seems like a lot of work when there’s a flat bed knitting machine that can knit a chair cover in less than 30 minutes. I guess it’s the love of it, I don’t know if I would have the patience to do this. I might go for a slipcover, this I know I can sew.
12:09 am on March 9th, 2011
Hi Nye, I agree it would be faster. In this case, it’s a labor of love. Slipcovers are also a great idea as these knitted covers would only be good during the colder months.
I would love to see those flat bed knitting machine. I’ve seen some in action on Youtube and they look really neat!
12:16 am on March 11th, 2011
I would video for you to see, but with so many legal issues and patents that it’s better to leave it alone. They recently made a skin suit for speed skaters and it’s amazing to see the result. Making it is the easy part, finding a model to model it is the hard part.
11:23 pm on March 13th, 2011
Yes that would be a problem. Maybe they can sponsor a team for the next Olympic games? It would be a good exchange… modeling for outfits. But I’m sure it’s quite expensive.