Even with the freezing temperatures we’ve had lately, I was surprise to find a few plants were still looking nice and green.
Not only are the plants still green, there are also some bud, blooms, and even fruits.
Our geraniums are the most easy and care free of all plants. I didn’t even bother to protect it from the freezing temperature, so this is what happened - wilted bloom.
The second day the leaves turned red. But it’s not all bad as there still some young buds ready to open up soon.
Our loquat tree is finally starting to fruit this year. In early December there were fragrant white flowers. And now there are tiny fruits. By April or May the fruits will ripen and be ready for picking.
Loquats are evergreen trees, and have long deep green leaves. They are drought tolerant and have yummy fruits. For areas with mild winters, loquats will bear fruit.
10:19 pm on February 11th, 2013
It’s colder for us this year, which I’m glad since it was seasonably warm last year and we had lots of bugs problem. I’m glad Spring is almost here, I saw some spring flowers already and thought it’s way too soon for them to bloom.