Everyday Beauty, Health and Living

Fresh Backyard Chicken Eggs

Our friend had some fresh backyard chicken eggs to share with us. This is the first laying from their backyard chickens.

These eggs taste so much better than the store bought eggs. And the yolk is amazingly yellow like or turmeric.

The eggs are pretty small, I can hold two in one hand.


  1. Dallas
    2:27 pm on June 13th, 2011

    Hi, Cambree!
    I have to agree with you on this. When I was in Lao last time. My grandmother fried fresh egg for me. It taste better than the one we get at the store here in the US.

  2. Nye
    9:56 pm on June 13th, 2011

    We visited Bo’s mom on Sunday and brought back fresh eggs also. They taste a lot better than the store bought and I heard that the quality of the eggs depend on the hens diet also. The first set is always small, it’ll get bigger as the hen mature.

  3. cambree
    11:18 pm on June 15th, 2011

    Hi Dallas,
    That is the best way to eat them, fried sunny sided up. Btw, that was nice of you to visit Grandma, all the way in Laos too. :)

    Hi Nye,
    Yes I remember when my mom’s pet chicken had her first few eggs. They were small too. Back then I didn’t want to eat them after I saw how hard she worked at laying them. But eventually I did eat them and they were delicious!

  4. [...] caring for them - in exchange fore fresh organic eggs! If you’ve never tried fresh organic backyard chicken eggs, you are missing [...]