Beauty, Health and Living

I found this cute scarf pattern from Lion Brand Yarn. It’s called “Meandering Rib Scarf”.  I love that it’s reversible, as both front and back looks the same.

It was a simple project with only two knit type of stitches (knit & purl). Just be sure to keep count!

Sometimes it’s nice to have a simple project at hand. Something to knit a bit, leave, and pick up again.

Nothing is more relaxing then getting the chance to sit down and knit a few rows each day.

The one pictured on the chair was knitted by Lion Brand Company.  It looks so pretty - all nice and plush. They used Fisherman’s Wool, which is a lovely wool to knit.

My version was knitted with machine washable acrylic yarn. It’s surprisingly warm and soft.

As much as I love wool yarn, most of them are a bit itchy. Unless it’s merino or cashmere blend. Cascade’s super wash wool is another nice one that isn’t too itchy for me.

Lion Brand has lots of nice and free patterns. Registration is also free. Enjoy!

Photo on right is from Lion Brand Yarn.