Santa Cruz, California
After picking apples, we stopped by Santa Cruz to catch the sunset. It was a perfectly clear day and the weather was nice for the coast.
There were lots of nice beach homes along Cliff Drive. It must be wonderful to wake up and see the ocean right in your front yard. And to breathe in the fresh ocean air.
A little sandy cove along the cliff. The green plants are mostly ice plants.
Some sea moss and also more ice plants.
Ice plants in bloom. These are white, but I especially like the purple variety. The leaves are plump and juicy - not that I ate them. It was just filled with juice.
There’s even a lone palm tree here. Not something you see often in Northern California, especially along the coast.
Sunset at Natural Bridges State Beach. Santa Cruz, CA.
Nature Walk Note:
We also walked the Monarch Butterfly Trail to check out the . I didn’t photograph any because it was dark in the grove.
There weren’t many butterflies when we got there. But they say the best time to go is early morning when the butterflies will cluster among the leaves. From middle of October thru February, they cluster in eucalyptus groves. So if anyone is interested in seeing them, there’s still time.