What a neat looking flower. But I think it looks more like a Chef’s hat. Then again, Chinese laterns sound much better. I wonder how difficult it would be to plant one of these. The flower pictured here requires a bulb and is refer to as Chinese Latern lily.
There is actually another flower with the same name - physalis. They have flower that look like they are made of paper. And the blooms reminds me of bougainvilleas, but more orange. I have those seeds, but it won’t bloom until the second year. This plant can multiply from year to year.
The more common Chinese Lantern plant you can sow from seeds look more like the one pictured here. And via Flickr, who resides in Holland has a really lovely Chinese Lantern flower in bloom. Beautiful!
Perfectly cute shoes by elk. I don’t have any little ones of my own, but when I do I think these would be perfect for their little feet. These shoes are made with super soft leather and seem to be quiet comfortable. Penguins are just one of my favorite creatures in the world. The company is from Elk Lake in Elk Rapids, Michigan.

Joan, the founders of the company wrote, “Some of initial designs were born in a cottage on ELK lake. They were inspired by the nature in the surrounding areas. ELK lake continues to be the place that inspires me artistically year after year. Our goal is to make comfortable, hip, quality kids shoes that provide good value. As a mother, these are the things I look for when I go shopping for my little one.” I think she is definitely on the right track here. Good job Joan!
The first flower that got me into collecting desert plants was the “epiphyllum” or orchid cacti. They also go by other names such as Cereus and Queen of the Night. The thing that really intrigue me was the beautiful blooms that look very similar to the water lily. It is very, very fragrant. The sweet scent has been linked to lily, tuberose, gardenia, and jasmine. It’s enough to give me a headache (when placed inside the house). So it’s best to leave them outside and just sit back and enjoy the blossoms.

I just found out about the Epi Society thru Apartment Therapy SF. The picture above is from AT when they went to last year’s Epi flower show/fair. Just check out the variety of colors available. I think they look almost like water lily and orchids all in one. Right now I have only two small cuttings, but I think they both have white blooms. In our area, we can see it bloom around spring and autumn.
But one of the best thing I’ve found out recently was that there is a local Epi Society in the area. They have a show in SF every June. I’m so excited! Membership is only $12/year and they start you off with your own plant too.
But I can’t seem to find their website online, but I did get a phone # here of Mike Davis, the president of the society at or email
I would suggest the society get some web presence. It doesn’t have to be too elaborate, you can even start off at Wordpress and just use it for PR and announcements. Update: A reader just informed me about www.epiforums.com There is also a great gallery at too. I never knew, thank you so much!
I have not been back to Delia’s for about 5 years now. At it was on a whim that I decided to find some coats that I decided to look into them again. At the moment, I probably have enough of every basic coat or jacket out there. But I thought I might need something a bit less classic and with more of a modern twist. That’s where I found these perfect coat out of Delia’s shop. I really like coat #3 with the toggle closure and the little pleated tuck on the side too.
Coat # 1 and 2 are both trench style and look very Euro chic! The little red trench is so cheerful, but I don’t think I can go for something that bright. Maybe something more neutral, like beige. And wool coat #4 and 5 are pretty much what I already own. But I thought I post it next to the others as a comparison.
The only thing that’s stopping me cold is that I can’t try it on first. I would just like to know how the material feels, how warm it is and mostly if it would fit like a glove. But at the sale price of $69, you can’t really go wrong. So I will see if I can decide soon.
One day I sat down and took a count of all my lipsticks. To my surprise I had about 20 in all, and a majority of them came in the same shade too. I guess I’m just as guilty as other ladies out there that just can’t seem to have either too much lipsticks, handbags, or shoes! At one time I thought I would stop purchasing new colors since this was becoming an “unhealthy” obsession.
But then I got lured into the cosmetic aisle of Target and wanted to try these new organic lines. They are made with natural oils and fruit extracts - titled “Boots” and made in England. These lip glosses weren’t like most lip gloss out there (are the kind I knew from high school) that becomes all gooey and shiny. They were really smooth and made my lips instantly softer too. So I was hooked on those. I got two of them. But I haven’t really worn much of it this winter.
Another great line of lipsticks that are great is from DHC. This Japanese company uses olive oil as their main base in many of the products. My favorite item from them is the lip palette is also a lipgloss, but it’s not as glossy. But the only thing I don’t like about it is the fact that I have to apply with my finger. Just not so good when it’s flu season! Note, just found out that they are going to be discountinued soon.
So I’ve found another great line of lipsticks from Nutrogena. They are sheer and not too glossy, with a slight fruity flavor, and a SPF of 15 too! My latest obession is Honey Breeze, just the most perfect color for everyday wear. But should I have gotten 2 of them? Let’s just hope they don’t stop making them.
I have about every issue of Blueprint from 2007 and was actually thinking of getting a subscription for the new year. But I am sad to find out that they have folded. The December ‘07 issue will be their last one. So I have to run off to the bookstore and grab that last copy before it is all gone.

I do enjoy reading other design magazines too, but this one I was actually drawn to each and every one of their copy. The one pictured here is so cheerful, perfect for the gray rainy season. Most of all, I loved that this magazine was targeted for my generation and our station in life. Such as struggling with “small spaces”. The best part is the combination of do-it-yourself ideas and the really nice and simple design and layout.
I’m going to miss seeing this at the newstand, as each issue is like spending time with some good old friends. Well, thanks for giving us the chance to read and hang out with such a talented team of people. Blueprint will be missed!
Since I am talking about fashion, I thought I post this pretty picture of fashion in Paris. The photograph is taken from The Sartorialist’s blog. The young lady here has her own unique style that is timeless yet quirky. I just love it!
I don’t usually wear red anymore. But I do remember having this red sweater when I was in second grade. It was my automatic happy sweater and always made any day better. So maybe it’s about time I bring back that happy sweater in my life. And this photo really inspired me to maybe get a new red cardigan or vest and mix it up with all the brown I already own. Cute tote bag too!