Everyday Beauty, Health and Living

Sewing & Craft Studio

The craft room pictured here belongs to Kat Heyes. She is one of England’s popular graphic designer and also an aspiring author. I love how the sewing machine is out in a convenient area. And the laptop has it’s own space next to the window, great to look out and take a break from the computer screen. This room is a great way to combine both a crafting area and a what looks like a place to relax too. This is especially inspirational for those who live in an expensive city and have only a limited amount of space to both (live & work). I really need to get a room like this very soon! It doesn’t help that all my fabrics and ribbons are boxed up and my sewing machine is collecting dust. Need to get more motivated for ‘08.


, is another artist and crafter of wonderful toys, made a wonderful point of having your own studio. WW writes: “The real key for me to getting stuff done is being set up for it. I have an excellent craft room in this apartment with my sewing machine set out all the time, the ironing board always up, and a big craft table that my dad made me. My fabric is stored on shelves so I can see it all. This really helps me jump from project to project. I’ve never had this much room before and it makes such a difference. I’m not living out of my knitting bag anymore!”

Beach Shells

Went to the beach in San Francisco this weekend. It was a bit gray, cold, and windy. We hiked down the coastline. There were some copper looking cliffs along the beach too. I got a picture of these tiny little shells.

Nature has the prettiest combination of colors and intricate design.

Seal Yam

I bought this yam one day. After I washed it and put it out to dry, did I notice it looked just like a seal. So cute!


Precious Metal Leaves

One of my favorite birthday gift last summer was from B. It was a leaf pendent made in Vancouver, B.C. I hang the pendant on my small gold chain. The leaf was preserved by dipping in 24 K gold. I don’t have a picture of it. But I should try to post in on here. In the meantime, I found a picture of this pretty (maple leaf) pendant from Pantagonia Gifts. They sell for $35. As described by the company, “ Real Japanese Maple leaf preserved in 24K Gold plate to create this beautiful pendant necklace. Includes gold plated chain.”  This one here does look more sturdy and very much inspired by nature. The one B gave me looks more fragile since it is a filagree. I just hope it doesn’t fall apart anytime soon.

Cats of the Greek Islands

This is a wonderful photo book by Ron Nelson. You can get your own copy at bluecatspress.com for about $18. I think it’s a great purchase for any cat lover.


Note from publisher: “For each book sold from this page $2.00 will be donated to a fund to feed Greek cats over the winter. Tourists love the cats and feed them during tourist season but in November the tourists and almost all of the shopkeepers and hoteliers depart the islands and the cats are on their own until March. Kittens born in the preceding Spring are especially vulnerable.”


The photographer has other photo books of cats from France and Italy too. I especially like the ones from Greece. The photos are all so beautiful, and so are the cats. Btw, the white cat pictured has almost the same markings as our own cat.